joi, 6 decembrie 2007

Care a fost cel mai frumos cadou pe care l-ati primit/Which was the best present you ever got?

Incep eu...

De ziua mea prietena mea cea mai buna a lipti post-it-uri cu LA MULTI ANI! peste tot prin casa, le-am tot gasit vreme de juma de an.
For my birthday my best friend put post-its with HAPPY BIRTHDAY! all over the house i kept finding them for half a year.

De mos Nicolae am primit o matura de vrajitoare mica si aurie de la un prieten foarte bun impreuna cu cuvintele "ca tot ti se potriveste! :)"
For Saint Nicholas i got a witches broom from a very good friend of mine, with the words "because it suits you"

NEXT! Astept comentarii! I am waiting for comments!