luni, 11 februarie 2008

Unde mai citim?/Where do we read?

La cursuri - pentru ca profesorul isi recita cursul ca pe o lectie invatata prost
In tren - pentru ca drumul e lung si colegii de compartiment neinteresanti
In autobuz/tranvai/metrou - pentru ca mergi dintr-un capat in celalalt al orasului
La masa - pentru ca suntem infometati dupa cuvinte
Pe jos - cu picioarele pe pereti
In pat - pentru ca ai racit cobza
La closet - parca acolo ziceau toti marii artisti ca-si gasesc inspiratia
La munte - pentru ca ai eliminat orice mijloace de tehnologie moderna si afara ploua
In parc - soarele straluceste si incerci sa prinzi 2 iepuri dintr-o lovitura
La plaja - pentru ca e ingrozitor de plictisitor sa te prajesti la foc mic fara sa faci nimic
Intr-un club/bar - pentru ca ai gasit niste oameni la fel de obsedati de verbul "a citi" ca si tine

Schimb de carti

During classes - because the teacher forgot to learn his lesson
In the train - because the road is long and the people in the compartment are uninteresting
In buses/trams/subways - because you are going to the other side of the town
During lunch - Because you are hungry with words
On the floor - with your feet on the wall
In bed - because you got a bad cold
On the toilet - isn't that the most inspiring place for most of the artists?
In the mountains - because you got rid of all the modern technology and outside is raining
In parks - the sun is shining and you are trying to get a 2 in 1 offer
While you are tanning - because it's incredibly boring to get fried on a low fire without doing nothing
In a club/bar - because you found some people as obsessed by reading as you are

Alte idei? Any other ideeas?