joi, 29 august 2013

Viata in tenisi - Life in tennis shoes

Aveam 4 ani si o pereche de tenisi.
Picioarele mi-au crescut si am renuntat la ei fara regrete.
La 8 ani i-am urat.
Imi doream adidasi americani.
La 12 ani uitasem total de ei.
Descopeream pantofii mamei.
La 16 ani i-am gasit din nou.
Colorati mai sui, la chinezii din colt.
La 20 de ani Ce tenisi?
Tocuri subtiri pentru picioare lungi!
La 24 de ani am vazut Roma din doua perechi de tenisi inalti, asortati la orice.
La 28 de ani mi-era greu sa renunt la perechea mea neagra, lasciva de tenisi, rupti in mai toate locurile posibile.
La 32 Am 2 perechi: una neagra, una gri, josi.
I can pull off anything with tennis shoes.... cred :)

I was 4 and had a pair of tennis shoes.
My feet grew and i gave them up. No regrets.
When I was 8 I hated them.
I wanted American sneakers.
When I was 12 I forgot all about them.
I was into my mother's shoes.
Being 16 I found them again.
Funky colors in the Chinese shop around the corner.
20... Tennis shoes? No way!
Stilettos for long legs!
Being 24 I saw Roma with my 2 pair of high tennis shoes, matched for everything.
When I was 28 I gave up my all black, high, sexy pair of tennis shoes, with a heavy heart.
At 32 I have 2 pairs, low: one black, one gray.
...and I can pull off anything with tennis shoes.... I think :)